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Table 1 Overview of the modules

From: Culturally adapted Turkish version of an internet-based mindfulness intervention for university students: a randomized controlled feasibility trial

Module names in Turkish (in English)


Mindfulness meditation exercises

Bilinçli Farkındalık (Awareness)

An introduction to the concept of mindfulness

Body scan, mindful walking exercise

Bedenini dinle (Mindful body perception)

Mindful perception of bodily signals

Heart meditation, mindful perception of satiety and hunger

Stres artıran düşünceler (Stress-aggravating thought)

Mindful coping strategies to deal with stress and distancing from stressful thoughts

Power of thoughts, mindful straightening the posture

Faydalı bir düşünce (A beneficial thought)

Developing a beneficial thought to deal with stress

Inhaling the beneficial thought, short breathing meditation

Hayatın anlamı (Values in life)

Discovering what is important and valuable in life

Here and now exercise

Canım kendim (Self-care)

Looking at yourself with a loving gaze

Loving and kindness meditation

Zihin ve beden (Body&mind)

Enjoying small things in life with mindfulness

Shavasana and mindful yoga

Bilgilerini tazele I&II (Refresh I&II)

Review of previous modules

Repeating the previous exercises