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Table 6 Identified barriers and resources based on interpretation of study results

From: Identification of main characteristics influencing the suitability for telerehabilitation in stroke patients: Quantitative analyses of the REHA2030 Assessment


Possible Barriers

Possible Resources

Person and Environment-Related Factors

Need of a caregiver (could limit the access to TR without a presence of a caregiver)

Ability to use a phone or tablet independently

Slow Internet connection (could limit the data transmission)

Presence of a technical Assistance

Restriction in ambulation (could limit transfers and access to TR system without any assistance)

Willingness to participate in REHA2030 TR system

Restriction in activities of daily living (could limit independency for TR access and readiness)


Medical-Related Factors

Cognitive impairment

Preserved memory functions, attention and time orientation

Sensory impairment

Visuoconstructional skills

Upper limb spasticity

Visual and hearing ability

Neglect syndrome

perceptual ability
