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Table 1 Baseline characteristics

From: Differential effects of the individualized gender-sensitive mHealth intervention I-GENDO on eating styles in individuals with overweight and obesity – a randomized controlled trial





Control (n = 97)

Intervention (n = 116)

Female (n = 66)

Male (n = 31)

Female (n = 77)

Male (n = 39)


 Age (in years); M (SD)

45.45 (12.66)

47.27 (11.65)

43.24 (12.86)*

50.16 (11.00)

46.40 (12.22)

49.00 (10.38)

 High School Degree; n (%)

25 (25)

36 (31)

17 (26)

8 (26)

25 (32)

11 (28)

 Married or living with a partner; n (%)

79 (81)

91 (78)

52 (79)

27 (87)

57 (74)

34 (87)

Weight and body composition

 Weight (in kg); M (SD)

97.65 (14.84)

98.34 (15.39)

94.24 (13.43)

104.90 (15.31)

93.44 (12.56)

108.03 (16.02)

 BMI (in kg/m2); M (SD)

33.07 (3.79)

33.58 (3.79)

33.23 (3.74)

32.72 (3.92)

33.75 (3.69)

33.23 (4.02)

Eating Styles

 Restrained Eating; M (SD)

2.80 (0.58)

2.70 (0.58)

2.83 (0.58)

2.75 (0.58)

2.78 (0.55)

2.55 (0.62)

 Emotional Eating; M (SD)

3.12 (0.95)

3.05 (1.03)

3.36 (0.86)***

2.59 (0.94)

3.30 (0.95)***

2.57 (1.02)

 External Eating; M (SD)

3.47 (0.62)

3.48 (0.67)

3.54 (0.65)

3.33 (0.54)

3.52 (0.66)

3.42 (0.71)

Physical activitya

 Step count per day; M (SD)

7296 (3020)

6831 (2251)

7196 (2756)

7505 (3559)

6765 (1965)

6966 (2776)

  1. BMI body mass index. Asteriks in column 4 (control/female) and column 6 (intervention/female) indicate significant baseline differences between female and male participants in the respective group. *p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001
  2. an = 194