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Table 1 Domain-specific daily summary outcome measures

From: NiMBaLWear analytics pipeline for wearable sensors: a modular, open-source platform for evaluating multiple domains of health and behaviour


Outcome measure


Device wear

Wear duration

Total duration device was worn while collecting data

Non-wear duration

Total duration device was non worn while collecting data


Longest bout duration

Duration of the longest walking bout

Longest bout steps

Number of steps in the longest walking bout

Three-minute bouts

Number of walking bouts of three minutes or longer duration

Total steps

Total number of steps


Sedentary duration

Total duration of sedentary (does not include sleep)

Light activity duration

Total duration of light activity

Moderate activity duration

Total duration of moderate activity

Vigorous activity duration

Total duration of vigorous activity


Sleep window duration

Total duration of all SPTWs that contain detected sleep

Sleep duration

Total duration of sleep detected

Sleep-to-wake duration

Total duration from first sleep onset to last wake onset in all SPTWs that contain sleep

Sleep efficiency

Decimal fraction of sleep duration relative to sleep window duration (Sleep duration / Sleep-to-wake duration)

Wake duration after sleep onset

Duration of time spent awake between first sleep onset and last wake onset (Sleep-to-wake duration – Sleep duration)

  1. aAll sleep outcome measures are calculated and reported separately for the whole day (noon to noon) and overnight (10 pm to 8 am, by default)